Personal hygiene is important for all people. This is because it promotes good health, boosts an individual’s mental well-being, and improves the overall quality of life. When people get older, carrying out their daily routine tasks may become difficult, and it is impossible for them to take care of their personal hygiene. A professional caregiver helps improve the personal hygiene care routines for elder people. Make sure you choose the caregivers from a reputable home care agency, which builds under home health care policy and procedure manuals.
Maintaining proper personal hygiene is important for elderly people and the following are some of the important personal hygiene practices.
When you are having elder people in your family, it is essential to understand the importance of personal cleanliness. Showering or taking bath is important for daily and regular bathing is necessary for most elder people. You can use washcloths soaked in warm water to clean their arms, armpits, genitals, legs, feet, etc, which helps in maintaining personal hygiene and care. It is essential for elder people, and it can be done once or twice a week or as directed by the geriatrician. Make sure to get proper arrangements before preparing a bath for the elderly people such as checking the water temperatures, using the right shampoos and soaps, etc.
Oral Hygiene:
Elder people are prone to oral and dental problems such as gum diseases, tooth loss, root decay, bad breath, etc. Proper oral care is the most important part of a personal hygiene routine. This includes brushing the teeth daily, dental flossing, being punctual at dental appointments, taking proper care of dentures, etc in order to ensure good oral health in elderly people.
Grooming and dressing up with clean and presentable clothes is another important part of personal hygiene. Make sure that you always make them use clean undergarments and ask whether it fits well. It will give them a sense of self-esteem and boosts their confidence. The clothes you choose for elderly people must be clean and comfortable. Apart from the clothes, ensure that they will get haircuts at the correct time. This will make them feel good about themselves and brings them more joy by wearing good clothes and looking smart.
Cleaning Up the Wounds:
Elder people suffer from several chronic wounds such as venous ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, etc because of aging factors. A hired caregiver helps in taking regular care of the above-mentioned wounds and injuries and it becomes a crucial part of the personal hygiene routine for elderly people. Also, they will take adequate care of chronic wounds. Professional caregivers are trained in cleaning and dressing chronic wounds and ulcers.
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